Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
4th of July - Kaycee loved the fireworks! We also ventured north to the Omaha Zoo, and we all enjoyed the animals and the awesome weather. Emilee showed a horse in Oklahoma this summer, so we rode tripped to Stilwater for a weekend. We went out on Aunt Julie and Uncle Tony's boat and got to go tubing and swimming in the lake. We got a slip 'n slide, so during the week the girls would spend the evenings on the slip n slide. Emilee went back to school last Thursday, and Kaycee is in Pre-school at Dinosaur Den. Emilee goes to Dino Den before and after school, so it works out great. It is amazing how much Kaycee has grown this summer, things are really clicking now. Kaycee can count to 100 (with a little help), recognizes all of the numbers up to 10, recognizes must of the letters of the alphabet, can identify all of the colors and shapes. Kaycee is learning Spanish and sign langage at Dinosaur Den. She does not seem to be too far off developmentally. Though I must say she is definitely testing us to determine what her boundaries are! Kaycee has not gained any more weight, so I think that her body finally understands that there will always be enough food. Her favorite things to eat are scrambled eggs, watermelon, apples, yogurt, noodles, rice, chicken, hot dogs and beef sticks. Kaycee LOVES to sing, and unless she is sleeping, she is probably singing - I have heard her singing in her sleep. She no longer sings from her Chinese CD's, she would rather listen to her sister's music - Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift - and of course Emilee hates that. Kaycee had a three month follow-up appointment with the cardiologist, and she is doing great and does not have to go back for a year! The doctor thinks that she is doing great, but will be able to tell more in a year after she grows some more. Kaycee has grown an inch since we were at the doctor the end of May. We looking forward to the fall season - Kaycee & Emilee both have birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas! Can you say - over stimulation! This will be a very exciting time for all of us.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
As you can tell from the above video, Kaycee is quite the dancer! She loves to listen to her CD's with Chinese children's song on it. Kaycee will blast the music and sing as loud as she can - at that point the rest of us are either rolling on the floor laughing or heading to the basement for some peace and quite. I am pretty sure that they thought the kids yoga & dance while in the orphanage.
Kaycee went for her Pre-Op hospital visit today. We have to be at the hospital at 8am on Monday May 4th. We met the surgeon, and he was very nice and calmed some of out fears of the surgery. All of the nurses were wonderful - which is what you would expect from a Children's Hospital. We spent 3hrs at the hospital - vital signs, meeting with the doctor's, blood draw and chest x-ray. Kaycee was a real trooper so we stopped at McDonald's for some artery clogging food! The blood draw was not so bad this time. I explained to the nurses about what happened last time, with her triple jointed elbow, so they but some numbing cream on her arm and hand. Kaycee screamed when she saw the needles, but once they were in her, she stopped crying and watched! She has very slow flowing blood, so it took a LONG time to get the 3 bottles of blood. Kaycee will be in ICU until Tuesday afternoon, then transferred to a regular room, probably to go home on Thursday. This surgery will repair the hole in her heart and she will have no restricts for the rest of her life. My parents (and Shasta) are coming on Sunday so that they can watch Emilee, and take her to and from school - thanks Granny & Pappy! We will all be glad when this is over.
Kaycee will start pre-school the end of the month. She is very excited because mom is just not entertaining enough. I try and do something special everyday, but I just can't compete against a room full of kids. I understand.