So much has happen since I last updated this blog! labor day weekend we went to Texas for Granny's 65th birthday! We all had a ball, and Kaycee got to meet her Great Aunt Becky. Kaycee loves the swimming pool and spends most of her time in the pool when we are in Texas. The end of September we went back to Texas because Emilee was in the World Show for minature horses. Emilee got World Grand Champion showing a gelding and Reserve Champion showing a mare. We are all so proid of her! Emilee also got Reserve high point for her age group, and won a savings bond. Kaycee did great at the show, except that she did not like all the yelling that we did for Emilee, she could not understand why we would yell when Emilee came into the arena. Kaycee is not liking the cooler weather, she prefers the warm weather - she thinks it is cold now - look out January!
October was a very busy month, on the 15th, Kaycee turned 5 years old. She was so excited, and it was so fun to see everything through her eyes! She enjoyed every moment of everything. She thought that birthdays were just all about bringing cupcakes to school - until that evening when she opened her presents. Now she gets what birthdays are all about. Kaycee took cupcakes to school, and then decided that she did not want to eat any, but she made sure that all her friends got a cupcake, as well as a flower tatoo. We stopped and got a special balloon on the way home from school - and she told EVERYONE in Hy-Vee that she was 5 years old today. That evening Aunt Julie and cousin Jamie came for pizza & cake, and Jean and her daughter Jackie also came. After the cake, Kaycee opened presents! She was amazed that all of them were for her, and that she got to keep the presents. After everyone went home I asked her if she had a good birthday, she gave me a big and told me that she loved me - ok, if that doesn't melt your heart nothing will.
Also in October Kaycee got to experience attending her first birthday party at Pump-it-up because her cousin Jamie had her birthday party there. Jamie 's birthday is October 19th. Kaycee loved the party, and thinks that is where her party will be next year - hum, we will have to talk about that later.
Another event in October was Halloween. Kaycee dressed up as Dora the Explorer. Kaycee was a little nervous about the trick or treating, but after the first two houses, and she saw all the other kids - she knew what it was about and loved it! Kaycee was just getting over the flu, so she just stayed on our culdesac, and spent the rest of the evening helping me hand out candy.
Right after Halloween was Emilee's eight birthday. Emilee had fer slumber party, which was tramatic for Kaycee, she could not figure out why Emilee would not let her play with her and her friends. I think that Kaycee thinks that birthdays are any everyday event.
Kaycee has experienced many new things over the past several months, sometimes it is a little overwhelming, and she needs to vent. For the most part I think that we made it through pretty good. There were some up and down days at school. Her speech continues to amaze us, and the things that she is learning is awesome. We start kindergarten round-up in March, oh my, she is growing up way to fast!!! Developmentally I think that she is ready for school, socially I think that she has some more maturing to do, but she has time to work on that.