Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kaycee's surgery is over and we are home! The surgery took place on Monday May 4th, she was in ICU until Wednesday evening, and then we came home Friday afternoon! The surgery went as planned with no complications. Mommy stayed at the hospital all week, which was exhausting, and Daddy visited as much as he could after work, which made for long days for Daddy. Emilee stayed at home with Granny & Pappy, which was exciting for her, but by the end of the week she was missing her family - I guess she really does like us! When the surgeons did the surgery they found several other issues in her heart, but nothing that could not be repaired, and they would have happened for the compensation that her heart has doing for the 11.5mm hole in her heart! She is completely repaired and has no restrictions on activity or food - or anything! The doctors told me that once all of the tubes were out of her that she would start acting normal almost immeditately - they were right! With in 15 minutes she was trying to run down the hallway for her chest x-ray - while mommy was running after her afraid that she would fall on the title floor and tear open her chest. Right now she is only taking ibuphron for the pain, and lasix so that fluid does not build up on her chest. She has no restrictions right now during her recovery, doctor said that the more activity that she has the better - so when we got home Friday she was chasing the ice cream truck down our street so that she could buy some icre cream. Amazing that 4 days earlier this girl had open heart surgery! Emilee, Pappy and cousins AJ & Jamie came to visit her in the hospital on Thursday - she loved it! The hospital has little cars that the kids can ride, so Kaycee made herself right at home.


  1. That is such wonderful news. Kaycee looks terrific. :) Y'all have a happy Mother's Day!!!!!
    Lisa, John, Anna & Lucy

  2. What a wonderful post Lesa! We are all so glad to hear that Kaycee's surgery went so well and that you are all back home safe and sound.

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!

    xooxxoxo ~ Dawn, Bob, Bobby and Alli
