We have been home almost one week! Our trip home ended up lasting about 30hrs, from hotel room to our front door in Olathe, KS. We made all of the connecting flights in China, but then had a delay in Newark. Continental kept delaying the flight and then after Brian raised his voice they told us that a part fell off the brakes of the plane and they were not sure how long the delay would be. We finally made it to Kansas City at 130am and my wonderful sister was at the airport to greet us! By the time that we got home and got to bed it was 300am! We slept in Friday morning, and then finally woke the girls up in the early afternoon. Both of the girls did great on the flight home, they both slept most of the way. Kaycee cried a little on the plane, but I think that it was more that she was so tired and could not get comfortable.
Kaycee has adapted far better than either Brian or I would have anticipated. The language has not really been an issue, we just seem to figure out what the other is saying. She is starting to say some words in English, but not on a consistent basis. She seems to be a very smart girl, so I don't think that it will be long at all before she is speaking English. It is like chasing a 2 year old around our house because everything is new to her, and she wants to get into everything! She is a very girlie girl - which of course I love because Emilee is very much the opposite. Sleep has not been to much of a problem, she has a problem getting to sleep, but then she is ok for the night. Almost off of her congestion is gone, but Brian & I are on antibiotics for sinus infections. Kaycee is eating us out of house & home, and as of right now there is not much that she does not like. Her favorite foods are still corn & watermelon, but she loves yogurt, green beans, chips, french fries and pepperoni - weird stuff huh? Emilee & Kaycee are getting along wonderful - they are attached at the hip. Emilee is really going to miss Kaycee when she goes back to school on Tuesday. We have been going to the park everyday. Today was the first day that Kaycee decided that hugs were ok, so I got my first hug today! Kaycee usually has several melt downs during the day, and is still grieving, but this too could be much worse. I think that I was prepared for the worst and happy with everything so far, not that things couldn't change.
I'm so happy to see that Kaycee is settling nicely at home. It looks like Emilee & Kaycee are having a lot of fun together. Enjoy your time with the girls! They are both precious.
ReplyDeletePlease keep the pictures & updates coming. Thanks for sharing your adventure. This is wonderful!